Conference news

As a researcher, attending conferences is an important way to keep up to date with recent scientific developments and to gain valuable feedback on my own work.

I will keep you updated with my conference work as and when it happens.

I presented my research at the international Academy of aphasia conference in October 2019.

I presented a poster presentation of my new research work in October 2019. This research explores perseveration, when word or sound errors are repeatedly produced, making the speech of the person with aphasia sound similar. People with jargon aphasia sometimes produce high amounts of perseveration which can be extremely frustrating and impede communicative effectiveness.

One reason perseveration may happen is because the person is having difficulty stopping or inhibiting the word or sounds they produced previously. Clinically, it is challenging to reduce or treat perseveration, so it is important that we do more work to understand why this happens so that we can try to work more effectively to reduce perseveration.

My work analysed whether we can help people to perseverate less by diverting attention away from words/language and towards a different stimulus, such as an image or a non-speech sounds. I am still working on this piece of research and hope to submit it for publication soon.